ey up: our anthology of northern writing and photography

When I first started Written Off, I was clear of one thing: that I wanted to open submissions for an anthology solely dedicated to Northern artists, and I wanted to call it Ey Up.

Northern artists are woefully under-represented in the arts, to the point that it has been picked up in the national press! This is a real shame, as some of the most brilliant writers, poets and storytellers I have had the pleasure of hearing and reading are based in the North. Working class writers are even worsely represented, with Equity claiming that the number of working class creatives it at its lowest level in a decade. This was the impetus for Ey Up’s creation - I wanted to offer a beautifully-crafted, extra-special opportunity to showcase these incredible voices and display to the world what the North can truly do.

The first Ey Up was released in Summer 2022, and was a huge hit, winning the Saboteur Award for Best Anthology the following Spring. Its successor, Ey Up Again, was released in Autumn 2023, and was received with just as much excitement as the OG edition. This year, we have released number 3 - and as always, it is a gorgeous selection of poetry, short stories and photography, all from Northern artists - and by Northern artists, what we mean is: artists who were born in the North, live in the North or have a strong cultural connection to the North of England.

Our first two covers were designed by the brilliant Southport-based artist Samantha Sanderson-Marshall. Out third instalment’s cover was designed by a second Southport-based emerging artist, Sophie Rose. We are equally proud of all three, and feel that each one reflects the contents perfectly.

If you’d like to consider submitting your work for Ey Up 4, submissions open in the new year. Please check our submissions page for updates and information, as this is where we will post any news!

If you’re a bookseller and would like to stock Ey Up, we offer generous trade discounts. Please see our trade orders page for more information, or email us at books@writtenoffpublishing.com